Bouquet Pink elegance - 25 pink roses in Ventspils

Plunge into the world of “Pink Elegance” with this exquisite bouquet. Twenty-five stunning pink roses, each 40cm tall, are arranged together in a graceful arrangement, creating an image of beauty that is sure to enchant.
"Pink Elegance" is more than just a bouquet; it is an expression of elegance and charm. Soft pink hues symbolize grace and admiration, making it the perfect choice for expressing your feelings on special occasions, anniversaries, or moments when you just want to please someone.
Send “Pink Elegance” to your loved ones in Ventspils and let the delicate beauty of these roses enchant their hearts. Order now and show elegance with every petal.
Item code: 25ZZR144
Count in a bush
66.69 euro_symbol
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